Category Archives: Coaching

Learning to Persuade and Be Effective

You’re not going to get very far as a coach if you can’t first persuade people to hire you. Then, once you do get people to hire you, you have to persuade them to take action even when they couldn’t before.

Some people seem to be more persuasive than others. What’s their secret? The first “secret” is that you can fairly easily become more persuasive— both to convince people to hire you in the first place and convince them to take action after they hire you.

Many of your clients will be very familiar with the coaching process already. Some of them will have hired coaches in the past with varying results. Your goal, of course, is to stand out as the best of the best. That means being able to motivate and persuade people to take action in new and exciting ways.

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Teach Your Coaching Clients to Take Risks

Some of your coaching clients will come to you ready to do something great. You’ll take a look at their current strategies, systems, and business in general and wonder what you’re supposed to help them with. They seem to have it all together. Your role might be to help them take risks.

Why is it important to take risks in business? Without risks, we don’t get nearly as many rewards. Your client may have come to you because they are ready for those great rewards. They can’t seem to get over the hump and go after it themselves, though.

What Does it Mean to Take Risks?

We take risks with everything we do— in life and business. It’s often our perception of a risk that makes it “scary” or not. Some risks have a much greater likelihood of ending badly than others, of course.

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How to Add 4 to 5 Figures to Your Income

Let’s get straight down to it…

To add a few thousand dollars profit to your online business in less than an hour you can do two things:

  1. Provide more value (and charge accordingly)
  2. Offer something to your audience that has high perceived value and a high-ticket price

The strategy I’m about to share does BOTH these things

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Catering to Different Learning Styles and Personalities as a Coach

As a coach, you’re going to work with many different people. That might seem like a very obvious fact, but bear with me. The point is that you can’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to coaching. What works for one person won’t work for the next person.

Part of this is getting to know who you’re working with. You’ll learn their background, needs, and goals. But you also have to have a good idea of how they learn best so you can present information in the best possible way.

There are several different learning style theories. I’m going to discuss two of them. Don’t fret about this— just read the information so you can learn how to best categorize the person you’re coaching.

Index of Learning Styles

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Get Into the Mindset of a Leader

I’ve had you switch from the mindset of a mentee to a mentor, but now it’s time to take that even further. Why am I hitting on this twice? It’s because your mindset is one of the most important things you have. If you don’t believe you can be successful, if you don’t believe you’re a true leader, you won’t be.

There are certain beliefs that set very successful people apart from those who aren’t as successful. This is true for business in general and it’s true for the coaching business. You can’t believe you’re a fraud or that you have nothing to offer. You can’t believe that your coaching isn’t as worthwhile as the next guy or gal. It’s not about bragging or putting yourself above anyone else— it’s about knowing you can deliver on your promises and knowing that you can really help people.

This Will Be Challenging Sometimes

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