Category Archives: Productivity and Time Management

3 Shortcuts for Getting More Done in Less Time

Note: This article is extracted from the Earncome training program that I’ve licensed, and some of the content might reference that program and/or its author, Jimmy D. Brown.

There are a few additional things that I do which really help me get a lot done in a short amount of time that I think are worth quickly sharing with you.  We’ll explore each of these in greater detail as its own module in the future.

For now, let me mention them…

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Eliminating One Thing for a Major Breakthrough

One of the most effective ways to have a major breakthrough in your business is to eliminate the one thing that is holding you back the most.

Stop right there.  Hit the rewind button.  Let that scene play out one more time before you enjoy the rest of the movie.  It’s that important.  We’re talking Oscar-worthy stuff…

One of the most effective ways to have a major breakthrough in your business is to eliminate the one thing that is holding you back the most.

You know if something is offset, italicized and in a different font it must be important, right? J

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3 Ways to Defeat Time Draining Distractions

Everyone has distractions.  Phone calls.  Alerts.  Doorbells.  Email chimes.  People.  They come in every shape and size.  They come often.  And they usually come right when we really don’t need them to do so.

Yet, some people seem to be able to thrive in spite of things that might otherwise lead them away from a focused activity.  What’s the secret?

The productive person knows how to defeat distractions.

It’s not that productive people don’t face distractions, it’s that they know how to properly deal with them so their productivity isn’t significantly affected.

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The 4-Step System for Reaching Your Potential

Years ago I played one-on-one basketball with a youth pastor at the church I attended.  We usually played 3 or 4 times each week.  Each game went to 20 points; first one to win four games was that day’s winner.

When I moved to another city and our games stopped, I was a perfect 27-0 against him.  It’s not that I was that much better than Danny, because I wasn’t.  We were very evenly matched.  Our series’ usually went the distance with me winning 4-3.

The difference was this:  as much as he wanted to win, I wanted it just a bit more.

Now, here’s the purpose of telling you about our games.  I have this expression that I inevitably say to Danny on each of our afternoon battles out on the court.

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Zen Spaces

Zen philosophies teach the importance of meditation and self-control, both needed to create clutter-free, organized spaces. Meditation delivers clarity of thought and peace of mind. When your organizational goals are clearly defined, and you have a good mental picture of them, you’re much more likely to achieve them.

You must learn self-control to develop digital and physical environments that lead to greater productivity and less stress. Substantial research shows that decluttering and organizing your spaces promotes better sleep habits, more free time, and improved finances.

Finding what you need in your digital space and the physical world is easier when your most used spaces are organized and clutter-free. This leads to productivity and efficiency, plus more time to spend on activities you enjoy.

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